Search attribution

If a user is looking for something on your website (but can’t find it), they often use search functionality. A good search engine can have a major impact on conversion rates.

That is why it is very important to have a good insight in the performance of your search engine.

You can use Harvest to track search behavior. When tracking a search, you use two parameters to give information about the search:

  • searchTerm
  • searchCategory

An example of how you can track a search can be seen below:

    "event": "dataview",
    "data": {
        "contentInteractionName": "Search",
        "searchTerm": "Search",
        "searchCategory" : "Category"

Everytime a user does a search, we will persist the searchTerm per searchCategory. If no category is given, we provide the category “No category”.

This meta data will be sent with every event during the session the search was performed. This way, we can easily link conversions and other behavior to that search.