Sensitive pages

Sensitive pages are closely related to cookie consent.

By default, the cookie consent functionality reads the cookie and uses that consent. However, sometimes even though a user accepted all permissions, you do not want to use the permissions, due to privacy risks.

An example is an insurance company that has pages about diseases. The fact that a user reads these pages could imply that the user has a certain disease. Since this information is sensitive, you do not want to have any third parties snooping around.

To make it possible to mark certain pages as sensitive helps you to easily protect the privacy of a user.

It basically works as follows:

Step 1 - Configure sensitive pages

First you need to provide a list of pathnames that are sensitive. Each provided pathname will be matched with a regular expression.

So for example, if you have the following list of sensitive pages:

  • /sensitive
  • /my-account

Then this will match with:

But it won’t match with:

Step 2 - An event is tracked

When an event is tracked, Harvest collect will start the enrichment process. At that time, consentData will be processed. This is the moment where the current url will be checked against the sensitive pages list.

The moment a match is made, the defaulPermissions will be added to the consentData and all tools will match based on the defaultPermissions instead of the given permissions.