
You can use Harvest to serve the Facebook pixel. Harvest automatically sends data to Facebook in the correct manner. This means that if you have implemented e-commerce tracking, we will make use of the Facebookpixel as intended. No complex configurations are required.


Facebook Pixel ID

This is the unique ID of your Facebookpixel.

Event name - Optional

By default we already make use of some specific Facebook events, but it is possible that you override these defaults and choose from the event names that Facebook has made available. Possible values are:

  • AddPaymentInfo
  • AddToCart
  • AddToWishlist
  • CompleteRegistration
  • Contact
  • CustomizeProduct
  • Donate
  • FindLocation
  • InitiateCheckout
  • Lead
  • PageView
  • Purchase
  • Schedule
  • Search
  • StartTrial
  • SubmitApplication
  • Subscribe
  • ViewContent