Content interactions

A content interaction is an action a user performs an a website or app, which is not a pageview or funnelstepview.

Examples are:

  • Product add to cart
  • PDF download
  • Link click

A content interaction is used to enrich data and trigger conversions and tools.

Sometimes not only the action the user performed, but also the element on the page can be important. We distinguish the following page elements:

  • Promotion blocks
  • Product lists
  • Other elements

Besides page elements, we also distinguish specific items a user can interact with, we have the following:

-Promotions -Products

Examples are:

  • A user adds a product (item) to their cart.
  • A user views a product (item) in the Featured products list (page element).
  • A user clicks on the “40% discount” promotion (item) in the homepage banner (page element).
  • A user writes down their e-mail in a form field (page element).
  • A user scrolls to the bottom of the page (no page element or item is involved).
  • A user is logged in (no page element or item is involved).
  • A user clicks on the “Contact” link (no page element or item is involved).
  • A user clicks on the “Contact” link and we want to know if it was in the header or footer (page element).

How to track a content interaction?

Well, the first thing you need to do is to ask yourself the following question:

Do I want to track the interaction with a page element or item or am I only interested in the action itself?

Page element tracking

The space on your website is valuable, so you want to make sure the space is filled with the right content. We divide the elements on a page in the categories:

  • Promotion blocks
  • Product lists
  • Other elements

If you want to know the ratio between views and clicks of these elements, then your content interaction should include information about the page element. More information can be found in our page element related interaction documentation.

Item tracking

If your main aim is not to improve the performance of page elements, you might want to track interactions with our pre-defined items:

  • Products
  • Promotions

If that is the case, you can also check our page element related interaction documentation.

Action only tracking

Sometimes the action is only relevant and the content that was interacted with is not of importance. Examples can be:

  • A user successfully logged in
  • A user downloaded a PDF
  • A user performed a search

In this case, you only need to tell Harvest the name of the content interaction that occured.


        "data": {
                "contentInteractionName": "appDownloaded",
                "eventCategory": "User interaction",
                "eventAction": "App download",
                "eventLabel": "Google Play",
                "appStore": "Google Play"

Above is an example of tracking an app download from the Google Play store. To track this in Google Analytics, we need an event category and event action. We also would like to set a custom dimension with the name of the store.

Usually we would let the developer add all this information. However, we can now use enrichment based on the content interaction component.

This would lead to the following code:

        "data": {
                "contentInteractionName": "appDownloaded",
                "appStore": "Google Play"

In Harvest Console we can then make the enrichment so that the correct category, action and label will be set.

Tool configurations

A very important aspect of online data is that we want to sent data to multiple tools, like Google Ads, Facebook and Google Analytics.

When we look at content interactions, we often want to link a content interaction to a conversion or goal. For example, if you have clicked on the download app button (downloadedApp content interaction) we want to trigger a conversion pixel for Google Ads and Facebook.

This is how tool configurations work. We say:

If content interaction x (downloadedApp) is triggered, we want to set conversion ID of the Google Ads pixel to “123132”.

This way we can dynamically use the Google Ads pixel where you only need to define the conversion ID for each relevant content interaction.


In Harvest Store it is also possible to track conversions, just as with similar tools like Google Analytics or Webtrekk. In Harvest you can define which conversions a user can trigger. Then, it is possible to link one or more conversions to a content interaction.

A conversion could for example be “Downloaded app”. This conversion should be triggered when the user triggers the content interaction “downloadedApp”.