
These tracking components are used to track user interaction with funnels. An example of a funnel could be:

  1. Newsletter subscription form
  2. Checkout process
  3. Registration forms
  4. Contact forms

All of these forms and processes include at least 2 steps. When we have a good overview of all these steps, we can make decisions on how to improve these steps.

Besides that, we could link conversions, tool configurations and enrichments to each funnelstep.


There is a lot of information we might want to know about a funnelstep:

  • Name of the funnel
  • Name of the step
  • Index of the step in the funnel
  • Group the funnel belongs to
  • Type of funnel
  • Value of the step
  • If it is the first step of the funnel
  • If is is the last step of the funnel

All of this information could be provided by the developer:

        "data": {
                "funnelName": "Checkout",
                "funnelStep" : "Cart",
                "funnelStepIndex": "1",
                "funnelGroup": "Sales",
                "funnelStepType": "checkout",
                "isStartFunnelStep": "1",
                "isLastFunnelStep": "0"

As you can see, this is a lot of information, any change would require a change by the developer. It is also possible to let the developer only sent information to identify a specific step and do the enrichment dynamically based on a funnelstep tracking component. The tracking code would then look like this:

        "data": {
                "funnelName": "Checkout",
                "funnelStep" : "Cart"

All other information would be provided by the enrichment. This is an important feature of Harvest Collect. It makes sure that a lot of information can be added dynamically.

Tool configurations

Since funnelsteps usually are about bringing a user to a conversion, the final step is often the conversion. This would mean that many tools need to be triggered based on the fact that a certain funnelstep is reached.

In the Harvest Console we could then configure things like:

  • If Checkout-Success is triggered, use conversion ID 123123 in the Google Ads pixel.
  • If Newsletter subscription-Success is triggered, use cat 123 and type 546 in the Google Campaign Manager pixel.


In Harvest Console we can also use conversions for reporting. Linking a funnelstep to a conversion is common practice.

Funnelstep types

Not every funnelstep is the same. Some funnelsteps have special meaning. The first distinction we make is:

  1. Normal funnelsteps that are not related to purchasing products or services (not a checkout step)
  2. Checkout funnelsteps that are related to purchasing products or services (a checkout step)

Then, within these groups, we have several types as can be seen in the table below. Each funnelstep type can have special meaning for a certain tool.

For more information about how funnelstep types relate to tools, read the documentation of the tool templates.

We have the following funnelsteps:

Funnelstep type Checkout step Description
normal No This is just a regular funnelstep.
cart Yes This is the funnelstep that corresponds with the cart.
initiatecheckout Yes This is the step after cart where the user fills in information for the checkout.
addpaymentinfo Yes The step in the process where the user fills in payment information.
checkout Yes A regular checkout step, that is not any other special checkout step.
purchase No This is the step on which the user finalized the transaction.
lead No This is the successful step after a lead was generated.
completeregistration No This is the successful step after someone registered succesfully.

Each type of funnelstep has special functionality with relation to some tools. You will find more information in the tool documentation.