
Harvest allows you to make use of 3 environments:

  1. Dev
  2. QA
  3. Prod

When saving your changes to a version you can also choose to publish the version. This means that the changes you have made will be made public.

You can then choose to publish the changes to any of the 3 environments. Each environment has a different endpoint:

  1. Dev - https://cdn.harvest.graindata.com/<account name>/dev/harvest.js
  2. QA - https://cdn.harvest.graindata.com/<account name>/qa/harvest.js
  3. Prod - https://cdn.harvest.graindata.com/<account name>/prod/harvest.js

You can choose to install the dev script on your test environment, the qa on your staging environment and prod to your production environment.

For more information about how to install Harvest, please read our installation documentation.