

We just spoke about the different Web Components we can identify on a website.

When interacting with a component, we are tracking this by so called events.


An event is merely the registration of an interaction. An event could be seen as the medium to transport information.

The first step is to identify the event type. The event type tells us what interaction let to the event.

Event types

For each previously mentioned Web Component, we also have an event type.

Web Component Event type
Page pageview
Content contentview*
Content click*
Input field change
Funnelstep funnelstepview
Data dataview


As you can see, there are two event types for the Content components. This is because we can interact with Content in two ways:

  1. We can view the component
  2. We can click the component



Nowadays the definition of a pageview is much less clear than it used to be. In the past a pageview was clear, because all “pages” were HTMl pages that were rendered fully. So visiting a URL would result in a HTML page and this would be considered a pageview. Today we also see many Single Page Applications, which means that only parts of a “page” is reloaded.

This results in the definition of a pageview in comparison to other content to be arbitrary. The definition you could use is that a page is a bundle of content, which usually is identified by a unique URL.

A pageview triggers the following two tracking components:

You can track a pageview in two ways:

  1. data-track-page
  2. Javascript API


A contentview needs to be tracked when the target element is in the viewport. Think about a product in a product list or the promotion image on the homepage.

It is also possible that not necessarily a target element is relevant, but the view action itself. For example scrolling to the bottom of the page. In that case you won’t need to supply any products, promotions or contents, but a contentInteractionName.

A contentview with a contentInteractionName triggers a content interaction.

You can track a contentview in three ways:

  1. data-track-contentview
  2. data-track-contentviewclick
  3. Javascript API


A click needs to be tracked when the target element is clicked on. Think about a product in a product list or the promotion image on the homepage.

It is also possible that not necessarily a target element is relevant, but the click action itself. For example clicking on the download app button. In that case you won’t need to supply any products, promotions or contents, but a contentInteractionName.

A contentview with a contentInteractionName triggers a content interaction.

You can track a contentview in three ways:

  1. data-track-click
  2. data-track-contentviewclick
  3. Javascript API


A change needs to be tracked when a user interacted with an input field. The moment the user changed the value in the input field, this event will tracked the change.

You can track a change in two ways:

  1. data-track-change
  2. Javascript API


A funnelstepview needs to be tracked when the user has the funnelstep in the viewport.

You can track a funnelstepview in two ways:

  1. data-track-change
  2. Javascript API


A dataview needs to be tracked when some asynchronuous event occured. This can be the fact that a user interacted with a video player and we are linked to the video API, like the Youtube API or the fact that some user data was loaded asynchronuously.

You can track a dataview in two ways:

  1. data-track-change
  2. Javascript API