
Harvest is disabled, because a pageMarker was matched that is configured to disable Harvest.

It is possible to configure pagemarkers that should disable Harvest. A reason can be that you do not want to track anything on certain pages, but are not able to not include Harvest on these pages.

When tracking a search event, you need to supply at least a searchTerm.

If you use the dataType search, you should also supply the searchTerm that was used. Optionally, you can also provide the searchCategory.

The postPublishDate should be in the ISO 8601 format.

Whenever you track a post, you have to provide a postID and a postPublishDate. The postPublishDate is used in several functions and therefore we require a uniform format. We use the ISO 8601 format.

For more information:

Events that contain a postID should also contain the postPublishDate in ISO 8601 format.

When tracking posts, you will have to supply a postID. The postID is the indication that the we are on a post page. To track posts, we also need a postPublishDate in ISO 8601 format.

If you are unable to obtain the postPublishDate, you can use a dummy value. For example the current datetime.

    "data": {
        "postID": "1234",
        "postPublishDate": (new Date()).toISOString()

The website {{matchingDomain}} cannot be matched with any configured domains.

You can only use Harvest on domains which you have configured in the Harvest Console. If you try to use the script on other domains, you will see this error.

Just add the domain in Harvest Console and the issue will be solved.

We have created this check to give you more control over how data is collected and it also enforces you to keep an overview of all your domains.

When tracking a [eventType] you need to supply [subType]

This error means that you didn’t not provide the correct subtype. We have the following required “subtypes”:

Event type Sub type
contentview viewType
click clickType
dataview dataType (optional)

We detected invalid values in the following variables: [variables]

It is possible to restrict the values a certain variable can have. If you provide the wrong values, you will get this error.

For more information, read our valid values documentation.

Only JS-objects are valid.

Harvest Collect only works based on Javascript objects with certain required attributes.

Each event you want to track, requires the ‘event’-attribute.

The event attribute is required for the data object, because it specifies which type of event the user triggered.

Each event you want to track, requires the ‘data’-attribute. It has to be a JS-object.

The data attribute is required, because it specifies the meta data. Even though there is no meta data, we still need to know that indeed there is no meta data. Otherwise there is no distinction between intentionally having no meta data and forgetting it.

Invalid type of event. Valid types are

This means you tried to track an event that is not supported. Harvest Collect supports the following event types:

  • pageview
  • contentview
  • click
  • change
  • funnelstepview
  • dataview

Invalid type of event for content interaction. Valid types are

A content interaction cannot be triggered by all types of events. A content interaction can be triggered by the following event types:

  • contenview
  • click
  • change
  • dataview

You should supply [property] as an array.

When tracking products, promotions or contents, you need to supply the information about the related elements in an array.

The event value should be a number.

The event value should always be a number. This error often occurs in the following scenarios:

  1. You have provided a string value in the datalayer
  2. You have used variable enrichment for a tracking component and linked the wrong value to event value.

The provided content interaction is not configured in Harvest.

This means the contentInteractionName you have provided is not yet configured in your account. Check your content interactions.

When tracking [subType] you should always supply [listVariable]

When tracking products, promotions or contents, you should supply the correct list variable. For more information, read our content related interactions documentation.

Each [content object] object should have either an id or a name.

When tracking products, promotions or contents, you should always supply at least an id or name for each array item.

When tracking a productListClick or productListView, you should provide a list-property for each product.

A list property is required for product list related interaction.

You need to supply a funnelName and funnelStep for a funnelstepview.

When you track a funnelstepview, the funnelName and funnelStep attributes are required.

The provided combination of funnelName and funnelStep is not configured in Harvest.

When you encounter this error, it means you did not create the funnelstep in Harvest Collect yet. Check the funnelsteps. in your account.

When tracking a purchase, a transactionID is required.

For each funnelstep you can configure the type of funnelstep. One of them is “purchase” when you track a funnelstep of type purchase, it is required to add a transactionID as well.

For more information, read our funnelstep documentation.

To track a checkout option, you should supply a checkoutOption.

Checkout options give you information about the option a user chose in the checkout process. When you track the checkout option event, you are required to add the checkoutOption property.

For more information, check our checkout option example.

To track a checkout option, you should supply a checkoutOptionValue.

Checkout options give you information about the option a user chose in the checkout process. When you track the checkout option event, you are required to add the checkoutOptionValue property.

For more information, check our checkout option example.

To track a checkout option, you should supply a correct funnelstep.

Checkout options give you information about the option a user chose in the checkout process. When you track the checkout option event, you are required to add the funnelName and funnelStep properties of a funnelstep that is configured with a funnelstep type that is a checkout step.

For more information, check our checkout option example.

harvest.trackEvent only handles objects or an array of objects

Harvest Collect only work with Javascript objects or an array of these objects.